What are the benefits to using anonymous functions instead of named functions for callbacks and parameters in JavaScript event code?

I use anonymous functions for three reasons: If no name is needed because the function is only ever called in one place, then why add a name to whatever namespace you’re in. Anonymous functions are declared inline and inline functions have advantages in that they can access variables in the parent scopes. Yes, you can … Read more

What are the rules to govern underscore to define anonymous function?

Simple rules to determine the scope of underscore: If the underscore is an argument to a method, then the scope will be outside that method, otherwise respective the rules below; If the underscore is inside an expression delimited by () or {}, the innermost such delimiter that contains the underscore will be used; All other … Read more

Equivalent of C# anonymous methods in Java?

Pre Java 8: The closest Java has to delegates are single method interfaces. You could use an anonymous inner class. interface StringFunc { String func(String s); } void doSomething(StringFunc funk) { System.out.println(funk.func(“whatever”)); } doSomething(new StringFunc() { public String func(String s) { return s + “asd”; } }); doSomething(new StringFunc() { public String func(String s) { … Read more

this value in JavaScript anonymous function

Inside of your anonymous function this is the global object. Inside of test, this is the instance of MyObject on which the method was invoked. Whenever you call a function like this: someFunction(); // called function invocation this is always the global object, or undefined in strict mode (unless someFunction was created with bind** — … Read more

Why and how do you use anonymous functions in PHP?

Anonymous functions are useful when using functions that require a callback function like array_filter or array_map do: $arr = range(0, 10); $arr_even = array_filter($arr, function($val) { return $val % 2 == 0; }); $arr_square = array_map(function($val) { return $val * $val; }, $arr); Otherwise you would need to define a function that you possibly only … Read more