functools.partial wants to use a positional argument as a keyword argument

This has nothing to do with functools.partial, really. You are essentially calling your function like this: f(1, x=3) Python first fulfils the positional arguments, and your first argument is x. Then the keyword arguments are applied, and you again supplied x. functools.partial() has no means to detect that you already supplied the first positional argument … Read more

Does Java support Currying?

Java 8 (released March 18th 2014) does support currying. The example Java code posted in the answer by missingfaktor can be rewritten as: import java.util.function.*; import static java.lang.System.out; // Tested with JDK 1.8.0-ea-b75 public class CurryingAndPartialFunctionApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { IntBinaryOperator simpleAdd = (a, b) -> a + b; IntFunction<IntUnaryOperator> curriedAdd = … Read more

What are the rules to govern underscore to define anonymous function?

Simple rules to determine the scope of underscore: If the underscore is an argument to a method, then the scope will be outside that method, otherwise respective the rules below; If the underscore is inside an expression delimited by () or {}, the innermost such delimiter that contains the underscore will be used; All other … Read more

Ordering of parameters to make use of currying

For languages that support currying and partial-application easily, there is one compelling series of arguments, originally from Chris Okasaki: Put the data structure as the last argument Why? You can then compose operations on the data nicely. E.g. insert 1 $ insert 2 $ insert 3 $ s. This also helps for functions on state. … Read more

How can I bind arguments to a function in Python?

functools.partial returns a callable wrapping a function with some or all of the arguments frozen. import sys import functools print_hello = functools.partial(sys.stdout.write, “Hello world\n”) print_hello() Hello world The above usage is equivalent to the following lambda. print_hello = lambda *a, **kw: sys.stdout.write(“Hello world\n”, *a, **kw)

Replace parameter in lambda expression

I would do it this way: Write a parameter-replacer expression-visitor that manipulates the original expression as follows: Gets rid of the parameter you don’t want entirely from the lambda signature. Replaces all uses of the parameter with the desired indexer expression. Here’s a quick and dirty sample I whipped up based on my earlier answer … Read more

JavaScript curry: what are the practical applications?

Here’s an interesting AND practical use of currying in JavaScript that uses closures: function converter(toUnit, factor, offset, input) { offset = offset || 0; return [((offset + input) * factor).toFixed(2), toUnit].join(” “); } var milesToKm = converter.curry(‘km’, 1.60936, undefined); var poundsToKg = converter.curry(‘kg’, 0.45460, undefined); var farenheitToCelsius = converter.curry(‘degrees C’, 0.5556, -32); milesToKm(10); // returns … Read more

What’s the difference between multiple parameters lists and multiple parameters per list in Scala?

Strictly speaking, this is not a curried function, but a method with multiple argument lists, although admittedly it looks like a function. As you said, the multiple arguments lists allow the method to be used in the place of a partially applied function. (Sorry for the generally silly examples I use) object NonCurr { def … Read more