What exactly does “closure” refer to in JavaScript?

From JavaScript Closures Two one-sentence summaries: A closure is the local variables for a function – kept alive after the function has returned, or A closure is a stack-frame which is not deallocated when the function returns. (as if a ‘stack-frame’ were malloc’ed instead of being on the stack!) A very good article on closures … Read more

How can I create a reference cycle using dispatchQueues?

You say: From what I understand the setup here is: self —> queue self <— block The queue is merely a shell/wrapper for the block. Which is why even if I nil the queue, the block will continue its execution. They’re independent. The fact that self happens to have a strong reference to the queue … Read more

Javascript function challenge add(1,2) and add(1)(2) both should return 3

I wrote a curried function whose valueOf() method and function context (this) are bound with the sum no matter how many arguments are passed each time. /* add function */ let add = function add(…args) { const sum = args.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val, this); const chain = add.bind(sum); chain.valueOf = () => sum; … Read more

Can you clone a closure?

Rust 1.26 Closures implement both Copy and Clone if all of the captured variables do. You can rewrite your code to use generics instead of a boxed trait object to be able to clone it: use std::thread; #[derive(Clone)] struct WithCall<F> { fp: F, } impl<F> WithCall<F> where F: Fn(i8, i8) -> i8, { pub fn … Read more