When should I quote CMake variable references?

Two principles of CMake you have to keep in mind: CMake is a script language and arguments are evaluated after the variables are expanded CMake differentiates between normal strings and list variables (strings with semicolon delimiters) Examples set(_my_text “A B C”) with message(“${_my_text}”) would give A B C set(_my_list A B C) with message(“${_my_list}”) would … Read more

Changing a global variable from inside a function PHP

A. Use the global keyword to import from the application scope. $var = “01-01-10”; function checkdate(){ global $var; if(“Condition”){ $var = “01-01-11”; } } checkdate(); B. Use the $GLOBALS array. $var = “01-01-10”; function checkdate(){ if(“Condition”){ $GLOBALS[‘var’] = “01-01-11”; } } checkdate(); C. Pass the variable by reference. $var = “01-01-10”; function checkdate(&$funcVar){ if(“Condition”){ $funcVar … Read more

Correct Use Of Global Variables In Python 3

In the first case the global keyword is pointless, so that is not correct. Defining a variable on the module level makes it a global variable, you don’t need the global keyword. The second example is correct usage. However, the most common usage for global variables are without using the global keyword anywhere. The global … Read more

How can I define a variable in XAML?

Try this: add to the head of the xamlfile xmlns:System=”clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib” Then Add this to the resource section: <System:Double x:Key=”theMargin”>2.35</System:Double> Lastly, use a thickness on the margin: <Button Content=”Next”> <Button.Margin> <Thickness Top=”{StaticResource theMargin}” Left=”0″ Right=”0″ Bottom =”{StaticResource theMargin}” /> </Button.Margin> </Button> A lot of system types can be defined this way: int, char, string, DateTime, etc … Read more

Is it necessary to assign a string to a variable before comparing it to another?

Do I really have to create an NSString for “Wrong”? No, why not just do: if([statusString isEqualToString:@”Wrong”]){ //doSomething; } Using @”” simply creates a string literal, which is a valid NSString. Also, can I compare the value of a UILabel.text to a string without assigning the label value to a string? Yes, you can do … Read more