Polymorphism with instance variables [duplicate]

There is no polymorphism for fields in Java. There is however, inheritance. What you’ve effectively done is create two fields in your Rectangle class, with the same name. The names of the field are, effectively: public class Rectangle { public int Shape.x; public int Rectangle.x; } The above doesn’t represent valid Java, its just an … Read more

Dynamic Variable Naming and Reference (ColdFusion)

One Option: Setting a dynamic variable name: <cfset variables[“GC” & AID] = “Testing” /> Output the value of the dynamic variable name: <cfoutput>#variables[“GC” & AID]#</cfoutput> Another Option: Setting a dynamic variable name: <cfset variables[“GC#AID#”] = “Testing” /> Output the value of the dynamic variable name: <cfoutput>#variables[“GC#AID#”]#</cfoutput>

Comparing IEEE floats and doubles for equality

The best approach I think is to compare ULPs. bool is_nan(float f) { return (*reinterpret_cast<unsigned __int32*>(&f) & 0x7f800000) == 0x7f800000 && (*reinterpret_cast<unsigned __int32*>(&f) & 0x007fffff) != 0; } bool is_finite(float f) { return (*reinterpret_cast<unsigned __int32*>(&f) & 0x7f800000) != 0x7f800000; } // if this symbol is defined, NaNs are never equal to anything (as is normal … Read more