python ctype recursive structures

You almost certainly want to declare next_command as a pointer. Having a structure that contains itself isn’t possible (in any language). I think this is what you want: class EthercatDatagram(Structure): pass EthercatDatagram._fields_ = [ (“header”, EthercatDatagramHeader), (“packet_data_length”, c_int), (“packet_data”, c_char_p), (“work_count”, c_ushort), (“next_command”, POINTER(EthercatDatagram))]

Recursive TreeView in ASP.NET

I think this should get you started. I created a MyObject class to mimic your object . public class MyObject { public int Id; public int ParentId; public string Name; } Here is a method to recursivley add tree view nodes based on the list. protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { … Read more

I got “scheme application not a procedure” in the last recursive calling of a function

You intend to execute two expressions inside the consequent part of the if, but if only allows one expression in the consequent and one in the alternative. Surrounding both expressions between parenthesis (as you did) won’t work: the resulting expression will be evaluated as a function application of the first expression with the second expression … Read more

How to flatten all items from a nested Java Collection into a single List?

Assuming that you use Java 8, you could do that with the Stream API thanks to the method flatMap(Function<? super T,? extends Stream<? extends R>> mapper) as next: // 1. Convert the Set as a Stream of List<Map<String, List<Object>>> // 2. Extract the elements of the lists to get a Stream of Map<String, List<Object>> // … Read more
