‘MergeSort Algorithm’ – What’s the better implementation in JAVA? [closed]

Do a single allocation of the working/temp array and avoid copying of data during merge (unless moving a single remaining run from one array to the other). Bottom up merge sort example. package jsortbu; import java.util.Random; public class jsortbu { static void MergeSort(int[] a) // entry function { if(a.length < 2) // if size < … Read more

Jqgrid 3.7 does not show rows in internet explorer

You should just use the full path in URL (started with http:// or at least with /) first of all. Internet Explorer works wrong in a lot of cases with relative urls. Some more small general remarks. You can use ajaxGridOptions: { contentType: ‘application/json; charset=utf-8’ } unstead of using loadBeforeSend. Some other default values (see … Read more

Best Practices for Multiple OnEdit Functions

Notes: There can only be one function with a same name. If there are two, the latter will overwrite the former. It’s like the former never existed. A function named onEdit is triggered automatically on (You guessed it!)edit There’s no simple trigger for other names like onEdit1 or onEdit2…. Simple triggers are limited to 30 … Read more

Is a logical right shift by a power of 2 faster in AVR?

Let’s look at the datasheet: http://atmel.com/dyn/resources/prod_documents/8271S.pdf As far as I can see, the ASR (arithmetic shift right) always shifts by one bit and cannot take the number of bits to shift; it takes one cycle to execute. Therefore, shifting right by n bits will take n cycles. Powers of two behave just the same as … Read more

Concatenate range arrays given start, stop numbers in a vectorized way – NumPy

Think I have cracked it finally with a cumsum trick for a vectorized solution – def create_ranges(a): l = a[:,1] – a[:,0] clens = l.cumsum() ids = np.ones(clens[-1],dtype=int) ids[0] = a[0,0] ids[clens[:-1]] = a[1:,0] – a[:-1,1]+1 out = ids.cumsum() return out Sample runs – In [416]: a = np.array([[4,7],[10,16],[11,18]]) In [417]: create_ranges(a) Out[417]: array([ 4, … Read more