How to add shortcut keys for java code in eclipse

The feature is called “code templates” in Eclipse. You can add templates with: Window->Preferences->Java->Editor->Templates. Two good articles: Don’t write the code, generate it Custom Templates Also, this SO question: Useful Eclipse Java Code Templates System.out.println() is already mapped to sysout, so you may save time by learning a few of the existing templates first.

Is it possible to chain key binding commands in sublime text 2?

Although the question is a year old, this might help people that are still looking for an answer. Recently, a new package was developed by jisaacks, called Chain of command. It has the primary task to do exactly what you request, to chain several commands at once. The package can be found here: An … Read more

keybd_event along with PostMessage win32 not working when Visual Studio has focus (or any application run as admin)

These are the VK_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK and VK_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK virtual keys. The processing for them is highly convoluted: Whatever program owns the foreground window will retrieve his keystroke from its message queue when it calls GetMessage() The TranslateMessage() call in that program’s message loop translates the keystroke to a WM_APPCOMMAND message, APPCOMMAND_MEDIA_NEXTTRACK or APPCOMMAND_MEDIA_PREVIOUSTRACK and sends it to … Read more