Next.js: Error: React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child

This issue is due to the space between <Link> tag and <a> tag. So change your code like, <div> <Link href=””><a> Home </a></Link> <Link href=””><a> About </a></Link> </div> Reason for the change: -> The <Link> can have only one child node and here the space between the link and a tag are considered as a … Read more

Text Stroke (-webkit-text-stroke) css Problem

TL;DR: -webkit-text-stroke is still quite unpredictable the text-shadow as proposed by @Satheesh Kumar is probably the most reliable solution. @Luke Taylor’s approach – duplicating text to a background pseudo element – also provides a good workaround. Anatomy of a variable font As @diopside: pointed out this rendering behaviour is related to variable fonts. The reason … Read more

How can I create an inset curved background that works with a background gradient and overlapping transparent shapes?

I think the best approximation you can have with only CSS is the use of radial-gradient: .box { margin:50px; height:300px; background: radial-gradient(ellipse at top ,transparent 19.5%,#3adecf 20%, #3ae7be) top/400% 50% no-repeat, radial-gradient(ellipse at bottom ,transparent 19.5%, #3ae3c5 20%,#3ae7be) bottom/400% 50% no-repeat; } body { background:pink; } <div class=”box”> </div> Or you consider the use of … Read more

How to create new breakpoints in bootstrap 4 using CDN?

It can’t be done entirely from CDN. To properly customize/override using SASS, you need to @import the necessary Bootstrap scss files in your custom.scss. To override the grid-breakpoints, at a minimum you need functions and variables. Then set the variables as needed, and finally @import bootstrap. Notice how default! has been removed as explained in … Read more

How can I bind the html content in vuejs?

There are essentially two ways to solve it. Use an existing Package For example, vue-meta: <template> <div id=”app”> <router-view></router-view> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: ‘App’, metaInfo: { // if no subcomponents specify a metaInfo.title, this title will be used title: ‘Default Title’, // all titles will be injected into this template titleTemplate: ‘%s … Read more

Python subprocess and user interaction

Check out the subprocess manual. You have options with subprocess to be able to redirect the stdin, stdout, and stderr of the process you’re calling to your own. from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT p = Popen([‘grep’, ‘f’], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) grep_stdout = p.communicate(input=”one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\nsix\n”)[0] print grep_stdout You can also interact with a process line by … Read more

Error when deploying react app and it keeps sayings

There is a conflict in the casing C:\Users\Ruben|desktop\reactapp\test…. whereas the nodemodules is looking for C:\Users\Ruben|Desktop\Reactapp\test…. This is a windows specific problem, and previously react would have run the app regardless of this difference. Not anymore it seems. The solution I used was to locate the folder and open with code; that ensures that the path … Read more

Chrome 65 blocks cross-origin . Client-side workaround to force download?

According to the discussion blob: and data: URLs are unaffected, so here is a workaround using fetch and Blobs. Client-side force download media function forceDownload(blob, filename) { var a = document.createElement(‘a’); = filename; a.href = blob; // For Firefox document.body.appendChild(a);; a.remove(); } // Current blob size limit is around 500MB for browsers … Read more