Error 80040154 (Class not registered exception) when initializing VCProjectEngineObject (Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.dll)

There are not many good reasons this would fail, especially the regsvr32 step. Run dumpbin /exports on that dll. If you don’t see DllRegisterServer then you’ve got a corrupt install. It should have more side-effects, you wouldn’t be able to build C/C++ projects anymore. One standard failure mode is running this on a 64-bit operating … Read more

How to repair COMException error 80040154?

To find the DLL, go to your 64-bit machine and open the registry. Find the key called HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{681EF637-F129-4AE9-94BB-618937E3F6B6}\InprocServer32. This key will have the filename of the DLL as its default value. If you solved the problem on your 64-bit machine by recompiling your project for x86, then you’ll need to look in the 32-bit portion … Read more

Hand Install of 64-bit MS Access ODBC drivers when 32-bit Office is present

using the /passive switch you can install 64-bit ace drivers even if 32-bit ms office is present: Just be warned that installing the 2010 64-bit ACE engine on a machine with 2010 32-bit Office already installed CAN lead to some wacky behavior in your already existing Office 2010.

MSI register dll – Self-Registration considered harmful

Nice answer from Chris Painter, adding for reference: how to register DLL’s properly in wix 3.9. And one with WiX-focus: Registering COM EXE with WIX. Self-Registration considered harmful The proper way to register a COM file is to extract the COM registry information from the file and add to the appropriate family of COM tables … Read more