What is the difference between integration testing and functional testing? [closed]

Integration testing is when you test more than one component and how they function together. For instance, how another system interacts with your system, or the database interacts with your data abstraction layer. Usually, this requires a fully installed system, although in its purest forms it does not. Functional testing is when you test the … Read more

When should I use Debug.Assert()?

In Debugging Microsoft .NET 2.0 Applications John Robbins has a big section on assertions. His main points are: Assert liberally. You can never have too many assertions. Assertions don’t replace exceptions. Exceptions cover the things your code demands; assertions cover the things it assumes. A well-written assertion can tell you not just what happened and … Read more

How to configure “Shorten command line” method for whole project in IntelliJ

Inside your .idea folder, change workspace.xml file Add <property name=”dynamic.classpath” value=”true” /> to <component name=”PropertiesComponent”> . . . </component> Example <component name=”PropertiesComponent”> <property name=”project.structure.last.edited” value=”Project” /> <property name=”project.structure.proportion” value=”0.0″ /> <property name=”project.structure.side.proportion” value=”0.0″ /> <property name=”settings.editor.selected.configurable” value=”preferences.pluginManager” /> <property name=”dynamic.classpath” value=”true” /> </component> If you don’t see one, feel free to add it yourself <component … Read more

How to prepare a nested data structure for a data-driven test in Karate?

I don’t recommend nesting unless absolutely necessary. You may be able to “flatten” your permutations into a single table, something like this: https://github.com/intuit/karate/issues/661#issue-402624580 That said, look out for the alternate option to Examples: which just might work for your case: https://github.com/intuit/karate#data-driven-features EDIT: In version 1.3.0, a new @setup life cycle was introduced that changes the … Read more

How to get Sikuli working in headless mode

I successfully got sikuli running in headless mode (no physical monitor connected) Ubuntu: check Xvfb. Windows: install display driver on the machine (to be headless) from virtualbox guest additions display drivers and use TightVNC to remotely set resolution from another machine. Detailed steps for windows 7 Assume that: Machine A: to be headless machine, windows … Read more

HTTP Basic Auth via URL in Firefox does not work?

I have a solution for Firefox and Internet Explorer. For Firefox, you need to go into about:config and create the integer network.http.phishy-userpass-length with a length of 255. This tells Firefox not to popup an authentication box if the username and password are less than 255 characters. You can now use http://user:pass@domain.com to authenticate. For Internet … Read more

How to explain sorting (numerical, lexicographical and collation) with examples to non technical testers?

Here are some explanations: Lexicographical In this case, you sort text without considering numbers. In fact, numbers are just “letters”, they have no numeric combined meaning. This means that the text “ABC123” is sorted as the letters A, B, C, 1, 2 and 3, not as A, B, C and then the number 123. This … Read more

How do I control the order of execution of tests in Maven?

You can’t specify the run order of your tests. A workaround to do this is to set the runOrder parameter to alphabetical. <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <runOrder>alphabetical</runOrder> </configuration> </plugin> and then you need to have rename your tests to obtain the expected order. However it isn’t a good idea to have dependent tests. Unit tests … Read more