iPad Safari: How to disable the quick blinking effect when a link has been hit
You could set a transparent color to the -webkit-tap-highlight-color property of that element. a { -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; }
You could set a transparent color to the -webkit-tap-highlight-color property of that element. a { -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; }
I found some Apple documentation that says that it does in fact need that for video. HTTP servers hosting media files for iOS must support byte-range requests, which iOS uses to perform random access in media playback. (Byte-range support is also known as content-range or partial-range support.) Most, but not all, HTTP 1.1 servers already … Read more
Solved. The trick: use fileURLWithPath:, not URLWithString:. Apparently the difference is really, really significant.
A few more for you: No Flash Lousy iFrame support (so facebook like etc. needs a custom implementation for iPad) Weird caching limitations HTML textAreas doesn’t get a scroll bar (you have to double-finger swipe – which of course, is amazingly intuitive) In general. Treat it like a scaled up iPhone, not a scaled down … Read more
The issue only occurs if the video element was dynamically created. If the element was just in the page as it loaded, z-index works fine. You can fix z-index on dynamically created videos by giving the video element -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d. Yep, it’s as bad as haslayout on IE!
iBooks registers the itms-books: and itms-bookss: URL schemes, so you can launch iBooks programmatically, but the actual URL might not be an ISBN.
definitive solution for startup-image and touch-icons for iPad and iPhone (landscape || portrait) and (retina || not): <!– iPhone ICON –> <link href=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4687698/apple-touch-icon-57×57.png” sizes=”57×57″ rel=”apple-touch-icon”> <!– iPad ICON–> <link href=”apple-touch-icon-72×72.png” sizes=”72×72″ rel=”apple-touch-icon”> <!– iPhone (Retina) ICON–> <link href=”apple-touch-icon-114×114.png” sizes=”114×114″ rel=”apple-touch-icon”> <!– iPad (Retina) ICON–> <link href=”apple-touch-icon-144×144.png” sizes=”144×144″ rel=”apple-touch-icon”> <!– iPhone SPLASHSCREEN–> <link href=”apple-touch-startup-image-320×460.png” media=”(device-width: 320px)” … Read more
In IOS6 you have supported interface orientations in three places: The .plist (or Target Summary Screen) Your UIApplicationDelegate The UIViewController that is being displayed If you are getting this error it is most likely because the view you are loading in your UIPopover only supports portrait mode. This can be caused by Game Center, iAd, … Read more
This answer is no longer applicable, unless you are developing for a very old iOS device… Please see other solutions 2011 answer: For a web/html app running inside iOS Safari you want something like document.ontouchmove = function(event){ event.preventDefault(); } For iOS 5 you may want to take the following into account: document.ontouchmove and scrolling on … Read more
Finally found a solution from : Detect different device platforms using CSS <link rel=”stylesheet” media=”all and (device-width: 768px) and (device-height: 1024px) and (orientation:portrait)” href=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8271493/ipad-portrait.css” /> <link rel=”stylesheet” media=”all and (device-width: 768px) and (device-height: 1024px) and (orientation:landscape)” href=”ipad-landscape.css” /> To reduce HTTP call, this can also be used inside you existing common CSS file: @media all … Read more