How to hide autofill safari icon in input field

If you want to hide it completely, you can use the following css tricks. Basically it detect that ‘contacts-auto-fill-button’ and move it away from your input field. Make sure you have ‘absolute:position’ to avoid extra padding from your fields. input::-webkit-contacts-auto-fill-button { visibility: hidden; display: none !important; pointer-events: none; position: absolute; right: 0; }

How to check in AppleScript if an app is running, without launching it – via osascript utility

I suspect the reason you are getting this is because each time you call the script from the command line with osascript the script is being compiled. The act of compiling on a tell application will afaik make the app launch. Calling the script from the command line with osascript from a pre-compiled file i.e … Read more

Chrome, Safari ignoring max-width in table

Max-width applies to block elements. <table> is neither block nor inline. Ambiguous enough? haha. You can use display:block; max-width:1000px and forget about width:100%. Chrome and Safari follow the rules! Edit May 2017: please note, this comment was made 7 years ago (in 2010!). I suspect browsers have changed a bunch over the years (I wouldn’t … Read more

‘pageshow’ is not received when pressing “back” button on Safari on *IPad”

You can check the persisted property of the pageshow event. It is set to false on initial page load. When page is loaded from cache it is set to true. window.onpageshow = function(event) { if (event.persisted) { alert(“back to page”); } }; For some reason jQuery does not have this property in the event. You … Read more

Cordova: sharing browser URL to my iOS app (Clipper ios share extension)

Edit: sooner or later a simple mobile website will probably be able to receive content shared from native apps. Check the Web Share Target protocol I’m answering my own question, as we finally succeeded implementing the iOS Share Extension for a Cordova application. First the Share Extension system is only available for iOS >= 8 … Read more