Can I have a video with transparent background using HTML5 video tag?

Yes, this sort of thing is possible without Flash: However, only very modern browsers supports HTML5 videos, and this should be your consideration when deploying in HTML 5, and you should provide a fallback (probably Flash or just omit the transparency).

How can I play a local video in my IPython notebook?

(updated 2019, removed unnecessarily costly method) Just do: from IPython.display import Video Video.from_file(“test.mp4”) If you get an error No video with supported format or MIME type found, just pass embed=True to the function: Video(“test.mp4”, embed=True). Or if you want to use the HTML element: from IPython.display import HTML HTML(“”” <video alt=”test” controls> <source src=”test.mp4″ type=”video/mp4″> … Read more

In Chrome 55, prevent showing Download button for HTML 5 video [duplicate]

Google has added a new feature since the last answer was posted here. You can now add the controlList attribute as shown here: <video width=”512″ height=”380″ controls controlsList=”nodownload”> <source data-src=”” type=”video/mp4″> </video> You can find all options of the controllist attribute here:

Accessing Multiple camera javascript getusermedia

You can create two different streams, one for each camera, and show them simultaneously in two <video> tags. The list of available devices is available using navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices(). After filtering the resulting list for only videoinputs, you have access to the deviceIds without needing permission from the user. With getUserMedia you can then request a stream … Read more

Does iPhone/iPad Safari require ‘Accept-Ranges’ header for video?

I found some Apple documentation that says that it does in fact need that for video. HTTP servers hosting media files for iOS must support byte-range requests, which iOS uses to perform random access in media playback. (Byte-range support is also known as content-range or partial-range support.) Most, but not all, HTTP 1.1 servers already … Read more

How to figure out when a HTML5 video player enters the full screen mode on iOS / iPads?

After much faffing around a friend finally pointed me in the right direction. The events I was looking for are: webkitbeginfullscreen and webkitendfullscreen var player = document.getElementsByTagName(“video”)[0]; player.addEventListener(‘webkitbeginfullscreen’, onVideoBeginsFullScreen, false); player.addEventListener(‘webkitendfullscreen’, onVideoEndsFullScreen, false); With that I can safely capture when the user clicks over the fullscreen button on Safari for the iPads. Interestingly the same … Read more