How to convert array of png image data into video file

For a full browser support way, you’ll have to send your image batch to the server then use some server-side program to do the encoding. FFmpeg might be able to do it. But in newest browsers the canvas.captureStream method, has been implemented. It will convert your canvas drawings to a webm video stream, recordable with … Read more

All MIME types supported by MediaRecorder in Firefox and Chrome?

I’ve not seen any sort of comprehensive list yet for Firefox but I have managed to find something (via a post on the MediaRecorder API from Google’s web updates section) that links to this test set that seems to shed some light on things. Essentially, it looks like the following are (at time of writing) … Read more

Record 5 seconds segments of audio using MediaRecorder and then upload to the server

You have to understand how media files are built. It is not only some raw data that can be converted to either audio or video directly. It will depend on the format chosen, but the basic case is that you have what is called metadata which are like a dictionary describing how the file is … Read more

CanvasCaptureMediaStream / MediaRecorder Frame Synchronization

This example currently only fully works on FireFox, since chrome simply stops the canvas stream when the tab is blurred… (probably related to this bug, but well, my timer seems to be working but not the recording…) [Edit]: it actually now works only in chrome, since they have fixed this bug, but not anymore in … Read more