Appending Blob data

Blobs are “immutable” so you can’t change one after making it. Constructing a new Blob that appends the data to an existing blob (as you wrote in your initial question) is a good solution. If you don’t need to use the Blob each time you append a part, you can just track an array of … Read more

Easiest way to convert a Blob into a byte array

the mySql blob class has the following function : blob.getBytes use it like this: //(assuming you have a ResultSet named RS) Blob blob = rs.getBlob(“SomeDatabaseField”); int blobLength = (int) blob.length(); byte[] blobAsBytes = blob.getBytes(1, blobLength); //release the blob and free up memory. (since JDBC 4.0);

Where is Blob binary data stored?

Blobs represent a bunch of data that could live anywhere. The File API specification intentionally does not offer any synchronous way of reading a Blob’s contents. Here are some concrete possibilities. When you create a Blob via the constructor and pass it in-memory data, like an Uint8Array, the Blob’s contents lives in memory, at least … Read more

Angular: How to download a file from HttpClient?

Blobs are returned with file type from backend. The following function will accept any file type and popup download window: downloadFile(route: string, filename: string = null): void{ const baseUrl=”http://myserver/index.php/api”; const token = ‘my JWT’; const headers = new HttpHeaders().set(‘authorization’,’Bearer ‘+token); this.http.get(baseUrl + route,{headers, responseType: ‘blob’ as ‘json’}).subscribe( (response: any) =>{ let dataType = response.type; let … Read more

Retrieve large blob from Android sqlite database

You can read large blobs in pieces. First find out which ones need this treatment: SELECT id, length(blobcolumn) FROM mytable WHERE length(blobcolumn) > 1000000 and then read chunks with substr: SELECT substr(blobcolumn, 1, 1000000) FROM mytable WHERE id = 123 SELECT substr(blobcolumn, 1000001, 1000000) FROM mytable WHERE id = 123 … You could also compile … Read more