How to convert array of png image data into video file

For a full browser support way, you’ll have to send your image batch to the server then use some server-side program to do the encoding. FFmpeg might be able to do it. But in newest browsers the canvas.captureStream method, has been implemented. It will convert your canvas drawings to a webm video stream, recordable with … Read more

Is it possible to programmatically detect size limit for data url?

No, there doesn’t seem to be any event letting you know if an anchor with the download attribute actually succeeded to download the resource. But, the limitation you are facing seems to only concern this situation : an anchor element <a> with the download attribute. The browser can handle way longer dataURI (I think that … Read more

Canvas toDataURL() returns blank image

Most likely there’s some async event between the time you draw to the canvas and the time you call toDataURL. By default the canvas is cleared after every composite. Either prevent the canvas from being cleared by creating the WebGL context with preserveDrawingBuffer: true as in var gl = canvas.getContext(“webgl”, {preserveDrawingBuffer: true}); or make sure … Read more