Mapping JSON data in JQGrid

First of all the code posted has some errors like dtatype: “json” instead of datatype: “json”. “},});” instead of “}});” at the end of code and colNames: [‘Stud Name’,’Year’,’Date’.’Number’] instead of colNames: [‘Stud Name’,’Year’,’Date’,’Number’]. After fixing this clear bugs you need change jsonmap values. This was your main question. The fixed code will be look … Read more

Hide expand/collapse symbol or deactivate spec. rows in jqGrid subgrid

Hiding the ‘subgrid’ column with jQuery(“#grid_id”).hideCol(‘subgrid’); remove full column which can be used to expand or collapse the subgrid, so you can not use the way in your case. I suggest you to clear contain of the ‘subgrid’ column and unbind the ‘click’ event for the cells inside of loadComplete event handle: loadComplete: function() { … Read more
