Hide div if screen is smaller than a certain width
Use media queries. Your CSS code would be: @media screen and (max-width: 1024px) { .yourClass { display: none !important; } }
Use media queries. Your CSS code would be: @media screen and (max-width: 1024px) { .yourClass { display: none !important; } }
High DPI support is enabled from Qt 5.6 onward. Setting QGuiApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling) in your application source code allows automatic high-DPI scaling. NOTICE: To use the attribute method, you must set the attribute before you create your QApplication object: #include <QApplication> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling); QApplication app(argc, argv); return app.exec(); }
To have millisecond precision you have to use system calls specific to your OS. In Linux you can use #include <sys/time.h> timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, 0); // then convert struct tv to your needed ms precision timeval has microsecond precision. In Windows you can use: #include <Windows.h> SYSTEMTIME st; GetSystemTime(&st); // then convert st to your … Read more
Keep in mind that all WPF locations and sizes are floating point with a unit of 1/96 inch. Not pixels. This makes your window designs resolution independent. Doing the math: height = 960 / 96 = 10 inches. With your video adapter set to 120 DPI (120/96 = 125%): 10 * 120 = 1200 pixels. … Read more
You can use EnumDisplayDevices to figure out what displays you have available and EnumDisplaySettings to get a list of available resolutions for your displays. Use ChangeDisplaySettings to set the resolution you need.
A better way to do this would be to use Intent extras to pass parameters to the receiver.
For Old day, we used to create different layout folder such as layout-small, layout-normal, layout-large, layout-xlarge for multiple screen. But that is a hell lot of work. So there is a new way to support multiple screen. Details are given below. For Support Multiple Screen (All Mobiles and Tablets): For Mobiles : We generally using … Read more
All the answers here show a dp->px conversion rather than px->dp, which is what the OP asked for. Note that TypedValue.applyDimension cannot be used to convert px->dp, for that you must use the method described here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/17880012/504611 (quoted below for convenience). fun Context.dpToPx(dp: Int): Int { return (dp * resources.displayMetrics.density).toInt() } fun Context.pxToDp(px: Int): Int … Read more
Your app will work on 100% of the devices with the classic layout. You can just add some buttons or change the layout in landscape mode by adding some qualifiers but that’s up to you! For instance, on LDPI (small resolution) device, you may want to adjust some buttons or change a little bit to … Read more
Size of the primary monitor: GetSystemMetrics SM_CXSCREEN / SM_CYSCREEN (GetDeviceCaps can also be used) Size of all monitors (combined): GetSystemMetrics SM_CX/YVIRTUALSCREEN Size of work area (screen excluding taskbar and other docked bars) on primary monitor: SystemParametersInfo SPI_GETWORKAREA Size of a specific monitor (work area and “screen”): GetMonitorInfo Edit: It is important to remember that a … Read more