How I can run my TimerTask everyday 2 PM?

Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance(); today.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 2); today.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); today.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); // every night at 2am you run your task Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.schedule(new YourTask(), today.getTime(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(1, TimeUnit.DAYS)); // period: 1 day

Android Timer schedule vs scheduleAtFixedRate

The difference is best explained by this non-Android documentation: Fixed-rate timers (scheduleAtFixedRate()) are based on the starting time (so each iteration will execute at startTime + iterationNumber * delayTime). In fixed-rate execution, each execution is scheduled relative to the scheduled execution time of the initial execution. If an execution is delayed for any reason (such … Read more

How to apply a fade transition effect to Images using a Timer?

There are some problem to fix here: → fadeTimer.Interval = 10;: You’re (possibly) using the wrong Timer: the System.Timers.Timer’s Elapsed is raised in a ThreadPool Thread. Unless you have set the SynchronizingObject to a Control object, which is then used to marshal the handler calls, referencing a Control in the handler will cause trouble (cross-thread … Read more

Timer in UpdatePanel

Is there a specifc reason why you have the Timer control in the UpdatePanel? Every time I have needed to use a Timer control to cause an UpdatePanel refresh, I have set it up like the following and it works fine with MasterPages: <asp:UpdatePanel ID=”UpdatePanel1″ runat=”server” UpdateMode=”Conditional”> <Triggers> <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID=”Timer1″ EventName=”Tick” /> </Triggers> <ContentTemplate> <!– … Read more

Capturing a time in milliseconds

To have millisecond precision you have to use system calls specific to your OS. In Linux you can use #include <sys/time.h> timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, 0); // then convert struct tv to your needed ms precision timeval has microsecond precision. In Windows you can use: #include <Windows.h> SYSTEMTIME st; GetSystemTime(&st); // then convert st to your … Read more

Does the System.Windows.Forms.Timer run on a different thread than the UI?

No, the timer events are raised on the UI thread. You won’t have any synchronicity problems. This is the correct version of the timer control to use in a WinForms application; it’s specifically designed to do what you’re asking. It’s implemented under the hood using a standard Windows timer. The documentation confirms this in the … Read more