Encrypt in Javascript, decrypt in PHP, using public-key cryptography

I’ve used something similar for my login page; it encrypts login credentials using the given public key information (N, e) which can be decrypted in PHP. It uses the following files that are part of JSBN: jsbn.js – to work with big integers rsa.js – for RSA encryption only (uses jsbn.js) rng.js – basic entropy … Read more

Adding a public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys does not log me in automatically

You need to verify the permissions of the authorized_keys file and the folder / parent folders in which it is located. chmod 700 ~/.ssh chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys For more information see this page. You may also need to change/verify the permissions of your home directory to remove write access for the group and others. chmod … Read more

Why does git sign with GPG keys rather than using SSH keys?

Update Sept. 2022: 1Password supports generating and storing an SSH key for Git commit signature, recognized by GitHub. Update 2021: OpenSSH 8.2+ is available (packaged for instance in Git For Windows 2.33.1), and “it is now possible to sign arbitrary data with your SSH keys” (Andrew Ayer), including commits in Git. Andrew points to git/git … Read more

How to ssh connect through Python Paramiko with ppk public key

Ok @Adam and @Kimvais were right, Paramiko cannot parse .ppk files. So the way to go (thanks to @JimB too) is to convert .ppk file to OpenSSH private key format; this can be achieved using PuTTYgen as described here. Then it’s very simple getting connected with it: import paramiko ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(‘<hostname>’, username=”<username>”, … Read more