List of all Unicode’s open/close brackets

There is a plain-text database of information about every Unicode character available from the Unicode Consortium; the format is described in Unicode Annex #44. The primary information is contained in UnicodeData.txt. Open and close punctuation characters are denoted with Ps (punctuation start) and Pe (punctuation end) in the General_Category field (the third field, delimited by … Read more

parsing nested parentheses in python, grab content by level

You don’t make it clear exactly what the specification of your function is, but this behaviour seems wrong to me: >>> ParseNestedParen(‘(a)(b)(c)’, 0) [‘a)(b)(c’] >>> nested_paren.ParseNestedParen(‘(a)(b)(c)’, 1) [‘b’] >>> nested_paren.ParseNestedParen(‘(a)(b)(c)’, 2) [”] Other comments on your code: Docstring says “generate”, but function returns a list, not a generator. Since only one string is ever returned, … Read more

Parenthesis/Brackets Matching using Stack algorithm

Your code has some confusion in its handling of the ‘{‘ and ‘}’ characters. It should be entirely parallel to how you handle ‘(‘ and ‘)’. This code, modified slightly from yours, seems to work properly: public static boolean isParenthesisMatch(String str) { if (str.charAt(0) == ‘{‘) return false; Stack<Character> stack = new Stack<Character>(); char c; … Read more

Remove Text Between Parentheses PHP

$string = “ABC (Test1)”; echo preg_replace(“/\([^)]+\)/”,””,$string); // ‘ABC ‘ preg_replace is a perl-based regular expression replace routine. What this script does is matches all occurrences of a opening parenthesis, followed by any number of characters not a closing parenthesis, and again followed by a closing parenthesis, and then deletes them: Regular expression breakdown: / – … Read more

When do extra parentheses have an effect, other than on operator precedence?

TL;DR Extra parentheses change the meaning of a C++ program in the following contexts: preventing argument-dependent name lookup enabling the comma operator in list contexts ambiguity resolution of vexing parses deducing referenceness in decltype expressions preventing preprocessor macro errors Preventing argument-dependent name lookup As is detailed in Annex A of the Standard, a post-fix expression … Read more

Advanced JavaScript: Why is this function wrapped in parentheses? [duplicate]

There are a few things going on here. First is the immediately invoked function expression (IIFE) pattern: (function() { // Some code })(); This provides a way to execute some JavaScript code in its own scope. It’s usually used so that any variables created within the function won’t affect the global scope. You could use … Read more