Changing the child element’s CSS when the parent is hovered

Why not just use CSS? .parent:hover .child, .parent.hover .child { display: block; } and then add JS for IE6 (inside a conditional comment for instance) which doesn’t support :hover properly: jQuery(‘.parent’).hover(function () { jQuery(this).addClass(‘hover’); }, function () { jQuery(this).removeClass(‘hover’); }); Here’s a quick example: Fiddle

PHP – Find parent key of array

A little crude recursion, but it should work: function find_parent($array, $needle, $parent = null) { foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $pass = $parent; if (is_string($key)) { $pass = $key; } $found = find_parent($value, $needle, $pass); if ($found !== false) { return $found; } } else if ($key === ‘id’ && … Read more

Import from sibling directory

as a literal answer to the question ‘Python Import from parent directory‘: to import ‘mymodule’ that is in the parent directory of your current module: import os parentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) os.sys.path.insert(0,parentdir) import mymodule edit Unfortunately, the __file__ attribute is not always set. A more secure way to get the parentdir is through the inspect module: … Read more

How to delete parent element using jQuery

Simply use the .closest() method: $(this).closest(‘.li’).remove(); It starts with the current element and then climbs up the chain looking for a matching element and stops as soon as it found one. .parent() only accesses the direct parent of the element, i.e. div.msg-modification which does not match .li. So it never reaches the element you are … Read more

PHP Accessing Parent Class Variable

echo $this->bb; The variable is inherited and is not private, so it is a part of the current object. Here is additional information in response to your request for more information about using parent::: Use parent:: when you want add extra functionality to a method from the parent class. For example, imagine an Airplane class: … Read more

How to call a parent method from child class in javascript?

ES6 style allows you to use new features, such as super keyword. super keyword it’s all about parent class context, when you are using ES6 classes syntax. As a very simple example, checkout: Remember: We cannot invoke parent static methods via super keyword inside an instance method. Calling method should also be static. Invocation of … Read more

parent & child with position fixed, parent overflow:hidden bug

You could consider using CSS clip: rect(top, right, bottom, left); to clip a fixed positioned element to a parent. See demo at Beware, use with care! Though the clip style is widely supported, main disadvantages are that: The parent’s position cannot be static or relative (one can use an absolutely positioned parent inside a … Read more

super() fails with error: TypeError “argument 1 must be type, not classobj” when parent does not inherit from object

Your problem is that class B is not declared as a “new-style” class. Change it like so: class B(object): and it will work. super() and all subclass/superclass stuff only works with new-style classes. I recommend you get in the habit of always typing that (object) on any class definition to make sure it is a … Read more