Enabling Save button on JQ Grid with InlineEditing and CellEdit

I’m not sure what you want to implement exactly, but I modified your demo to the following https://jsfiddle.net/OlegKi/byygepy3/11/. I include the full JavaScript code of the demo below $(function () { var myData = [ { id: 10, ParameterName: “Test”, ParameterValue: “” }, { id: 20, ParameterName: “Test 1”, ParameterValue: “” }, { id: 30, … Read more

jqgrid change cell value and stay in edit mode

If you need to implement the behavior of dependency cells which are all in the editing mode you have to modify the cell contain manually with respect of jQuery.html function for example. If the name of the column which you want to modify has the name “description”, and you use ‘blur’ event on another “code” … Read more

Jqgrid 3.7 does not show rows in internet explorer

You should just use the full path in URL (started with http:// or at least with /) first of all. Internet Explorer works wrong in a lot of cases with relative urls. Some more small general remarks. You can use ajaxGridOptions: { contentType: ‘application/json; charset=utf-8’ } unstead of using loadBeforeSend. Some other default values (see … Read more
