How to make a right-associative infix operator?

I found a solution. Scala reference says in section 6.12.3 Infix Operations: The associativity of an operator is determined by the operator’s last character. Operators ending in a colon ‘:’ are right-associative. All other operators are left-associative. Therefore it was enough to rename >> to >>:. It took me some time to realize that while … Read more

Evaluating a string of simple mathematical expressions [closed]

Assembler 427 bytes Obfuscated, assembled with the excellent A86 into a .com executable: dd 0db9b1f89h, 081bee3h, 0e8af789h, 0d9080080h, 0bdac7674h, 013b40286h dd 07400463ah, 0ccfe4508h, 08ce9f675h, 02fc8000h, 013b0057eh, 0feaac42ah dd 0bedf75c9h, 0ba680081h, 04de801h, 04874f73bh, 04474103ch, 0e8e8b60fh dd 08e8a003fh, 0e880290h, 0de0153h, 08b57e6ebh, 0d902a93eh, 046d891dh dd 08906c783h, 05f02a93eh, 03cffcee8h, 057197510h, 02a93e8bh, 08b06ef83h dd 05d9046dh, 02a93e89h, 03bc9d95fh, 0ac0174f7h, 074f73bc3h, 0f3cac24h … Read more

Handling extra operators in Shunting-yard

Valid expressions can be validated with a regular expression, aside from parenthesis mismatching. (Mismatched parentheses will be caught by the shunting-yard algorithm as indicated in the wikipedia page, so I’m ignoring those.) The regular expression is as follows: PRE* OP POST* (INF PRE* OP POST*)* where: PRE is a prefix operator or ( POST is … Read more

Handling parenthesis while converting infix expressions to postfix expressions

You need to push the left parenthesis onto the stack, and process the stack like so when you encounter a right parenthesis: // opening ( if (in_fix.peek().type == 4) { post_fix.push(in_fix.pop()); } //closing ) if(in_fix.peek().type == 5){ while(!(post_fix.isEmpty() || post_fix.peek().type == 4)){ postfixstr.append(post_fix.pop()); } if (post_fix.isEmpty()) ; // ERROR – unmatched ) else post_fix.pop(); // … Read more
