bool operator ++ and —

It comes from the history of using integer values as booleans. If x is an int, but I am using it as a boolean as per if(x)… then incrementing will mean that whatever its truth value before the operation, it will have a truth-value of true after it (barring overflow). However, it’s impossible to predict … Read more

Create an incrementing variable from 2 variables in PowerShell

You’re looking for variable indirection, i.e. the ability to refer to a variable indirectly, by a name stored in another variable or returned from an expression. Note, however, that there are usually superior alternatives, such as using arrays or hashtables as multi-value containers – see this answer for an example. If you do need to … Read more

What is the difference between i++ and ++i in C#?

The typical answer to this question, unfortunately posted here already, is that one does the increment “before” remaining operations and the other does the increment “after” remaining operations. Though that intuitively gets the idea across, that statement is on the face of it completely wrong. The sequence of events in time is extremely well-defined in … Read more
