Editable ComboBox with binding to value not in list

I was just doing this yesterday and today and it looks like the following: set the combobox IsEditable=”true” instead of binding to SelectedItem, bind to the Text property of the combobox if you’re binding to a custom object instead of just strings, you need to also set TextSearch.TextPath=”NameOfField”. This lets the text search behavior work, … Read more

What ways are there to edit a function in R?

There is a body<- function that lets you assign new content of the function. body(foo)[[3]] <- substitute(line2 <- 2) foo #———– function (x) { line1 <- x line2 <- 2 line3 <- line1 + line2 return(line3) } (The “{” is body(foo)[[1]] and each line is a successive element of the list. Therefore the second line … Read more

jQGrid, how to make a column editable in the add dialog but not during (inline) edits

Because you use the example from my old answers (this and this) I feel that I should answer also on your question. In the old example all fields, which can be modified during Add or Edit dialogs, has property editable:true. The fields which should be shown only in the Add dialog will be made hidden … Read more

jqgrid EditActionIconsColumn Events

The formatter:’actions’ is not yet good documented. The current version of jqGrid 3.8.2 support some options which you need. In lines 394-466 of the jquery.fmatter.js of the current version you can see more. What you need are onEdit, afterSave (on “Submit”) and delOptions.onclickSubmit parameters. To tell the truth I didn’t use the ‘actions’ formatter before … Read more

jqGrid: Disable form fields when editing

You can implement your requirements in different ways. For example, inside of beforeShowForm event you can hide or show the jQuery(“#list”).jqGrid({ colModel: [ { name: ‘Name’, width: 200, editable: true }, //… }).jqGrid(‘navGrid’,’#pager’, { edit: true, add: true, del: false}, { // edit option beforeShowForm: function(form) { $(‘#tr_Name’, form).hide(); } }, { // add option … Read more

Find a line in a file and remove it

This solution may not be optimal or pretty, but it works. It reads in an input file line by line, writing each line out to a temporary output file. Whenever it encounters a line that matches what you are looking for, it skips writing that one out. It then renames the output file. I have … Read more