What is the difference between array_udiff_assoc() and array_diff_uassoc()?

They both do the same, but udiff-assoc compares the DATA with the user supplied function, while diff-uassoc compares the INDEX with the user supplied function. As an answer to @lonsesomeday : as indicated by the ‘u’, diff_assoc will use internal functions for all comparisons, and udiff_uassoc uses provided callbacks for index and data comparison. http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.array-diff-uassoc.php … Read more

How to evaluate a spreadsheet formula within a custom function?

Spreadsheet functions from Apps-Script Not possible – This has been asked many times. Suggest you check the google-apps-script issue list to see if anything has changed. But last I checked, there is no way to do it, and they have no plan to add it. https://code.google.com/p/google-apps-script-issues/issues/list Ethercalc – java script spreadsheet formulas If you need … Read more

To exceed the ImportXML limit on Google Spreadsheet

I created a custom import function that overcomes all limits of IMPORTXML I have a sheet using this in about 800 cells and it works great. It makes use of Google Sheet’s custom scripts (Tools > Script editor…) and searches through content using regex instead of xpath. function importRegex(url, regexInput) { var output=””; var fetchedUrl … Read more

Refresh data retrieved by a custom function in Google Sheet

Ok, it seems like my problem was that google behaves in a weird way – it doesn’t re-run the script as long as the script parameters are similar, it uses cached results from the previous runs. Hence it doesn’t re-connect to the API and doesn’t re-fetch the price, it simply returns the previous script result … Read more

Custom function throws a “You do not have the permission required to setValue” error

from the documentation : Custom functions return values, but they cannot set values outside the cells they are in. In most circumstances, a custom function in cell A1 cannot modify cell A5. However, if a custom function returns a double array, the results overflow the cell containing the function and fill the cells below and … Read more

Custom functions intermittently hang with “Error – Loading Data”

This seems to be a issue on Google’s server. There is already an active report about Google sheets custom functions stuck in loading. You may want to click the star icon on the top left of the issue report to indicate that you are also being affected by the issue. Other related issues: Apps script … Read more

Refresh data retrieved by a custom function in Google Sheet

Ok, it seems like my problem was that google behaves in a weird way – it doesn’t re-run the script as long as the script parameters are similar, it uses cached results from the previous runs. Hence it doesn’t re-connect to the API and doesn’t re-fetch the price, it simply returns the previous script result … Read more