How does PHP compare strings with comparison operators?

PHP will compare alpha strings using the greater than and less than comparison operators based upon alphabetical order. In the first example, ai comes before i in alphabetical order so the test of > (greater than) is false – earlier in the order is considered ‘less than’ rather than ‘greater than’. In the second example, … Read more

Compare RGB colors in c#

What you are looking for is called Delta-E. It is the distance between two colors in LAB color space. It is said that the human eye cannot distinguish colors below 1 DeltaE (I find that my eyes can find differences in colors below 1 DeltaE, each person is different.) There are 4 formulas for … Read more

Comparing strings lexicographically

Comparing std::string -s like that will work. However you are comparing string literals. To do the comparison you want either initialize a std::string with them or use strcmp: if(std::string(“aa”) > std::string(“bz”)) cout<<“Yes”; This is the c++ style solution to that. Or alternatively: if(strcmp(“aa”, “bz”) > 0) cout<<“Yes”; EDIT(thanks to Konrad Rudolph’s comment): in fact in … Read more

Text comparison algorithm

Typically this is accomplished by finding the Longest Common Subsequence (commonly called the LCS problem). This is how tools like diff work. Of course, diff is a line-oriented tool, and it sounds like your needs are somewhat different. However, I’m assuming that you’ve already constructed some way to compare words and sentences.

Efficient way to compare version strings in Java [duplicate]

Requires commons-lang3-3.8.1.jar for string operations. /** * Compares two version strings. * * Use this instead of String.compareTo() for a non-lexicographical * comparison that works for version strings. e.g. “1.10”.compareTo(“1.6”). * * @param v1 a string of alpha numerals separated by decimal points. * @param v2 a string of alpha numerals separated by decimal points. … Read more