Remove category and tag base from WordPress URLs without a plugin?

If you want to remove /category/ from the url, follow these two steps: Go to Settings >> Permalinks and select Custom and enter: /%category%/%postname%/ Next set your Category Base to . Save it and you’ll see your URL changed to this format: (Source:

Is calling super in a category the same as calling it in a subclass?

In order to understand this, it’s probably important to understand the way an object is stored during runtime. There is a class object1, which holds all the method implementations, and separately, there is a structure with the storage for the instance’s variables. All instances of a class share the one class object. When you call … Read more

Mapping ranges of values in pandas dataframe [duplicate]

There are a few alternatives. Pandas via pd.cut / NumPy via np.digitize You can construct a list of boundaries, then use specialist library functions. This is described in @EdChum’s solution, and also in this answer. NumPy via df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(1,10,10), columns=[‘a’]) criteria = [df[‘a’].between(1, 3), df[‘a’].between(4, 7), df[‘a’].between(8, 10)] values = [1, 2, 3] … Read more

How to run JUnit tests by category in Maven?

Maven has since been updated and can use categories. An example from the Surefire documentation: <plugin> <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.11</version> <configuration> <groups>com.mycompany.SlowTests</groups> </configuration> </plugin> This will run any class with the annotation @Category(com.mycompany.SlowTests.class)

Map category parent id self referencing table structure to EF Core entity

EF (and LINQ in general) has issues loading tree like data due to lack of recursive expression/CTE support. But in case you want to load the whole tree (as opposed to filtered tree branch), there is a simple Include based solution. All you need is a single Include and then the EF navigation property fixup … Read more

Custom sorting (non-alphabetical)

The levels should be specified explicitly: A$animal <- factor(A$animal, levels = c(“dog”, “elephant”,”cat”)) A$color <- factor(A$color, levels = c(“green”, “blue”, “red”)) Then you order by the 2 columns simultaneously: A[order(A$animal,A$color),] # animal color # 6 dog green # 4 dog blue # 5 dog red # 9 elephant green # 7 elephant blue # 8 … Read more

How do I use objc_setAssociatedObject/objc_getAssociatedObject inside an object?

Declare a static variable so that you can use its address as the key. The call to objc_setAssociatedObject takes a void* and only the address of your static variable is actually used, not the contents of a NSString… that is only wasting memory. You just need to add: static char STRING_KEY; // global 0 initialization … Read more