Linq to Sql: Multiple left outer joins

This may be cleaner (you dont need all the into statements):

var query = 
    from order in dc.Orders
    from vendor 
    in dc.Vendors
        .Where(v => v.Id == order.VendorId)
    from status 
    in dc.Status
        .Where(s => s.Id == order.StatusId)
    select new { Order = order, Vendor = vendor, Status = status } 
    //Vendor and Status properties will be null if the left join is null

Here is another left join example

var results = 
    from expense in expenseDataContext.ExpenseDtos
    where expense.Id == expenseId //some expense id that was passed in
    from category 
    // left join on categories table if exists
    in expenseDataContext.CategoryDtos
                         .Where(c => c.Id == expense.CategoryId)
    // left join on expense type table if exists
    from expenseType 
    in expenseDataContext.ExpenseTypeDtos
                         .Where(e => e.Id == expense.ExpenseTypeId)
    // left join on currency table if exists
    from currency 
    in expenseDataContext.CurrencyDtos
                         .Where(c => c.CurrencyID == expense.FKCurrencyID)
    select new 
        Expense = expense,
        // category will be null if join doesn't exist
        Category = category,
        // expensetype will be null if join doesn't exist
        ExpenseType = expenseType,
        // currency will be null if join doesn't exist
        Currency = currency  

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