Entity Framework include with left join is this possible?

Yes, it is possible. Firstly, .Include does a LEFT OUTER JOIN, using the navigational property you pass through. This is how you would explicitly do a LEFT JOIN between Student and StudentDescription: var query = from s in ctx.Students from sd in s.StudentDescriptions.DefaultIfEmpty() select new { StudentName = s.Name, StudentDescription = sd.Description }; As you … Read more

Select first record in a One-to-Many relation using left join

After playing around a bit, this turns out to be trickier than I’d expected! Assuming that table_b has some single column that is unique (say, a single-field primary key), it looks like you can do this: SELECT table_a.code, table_a.emp_no, table_b.city, table_b.county FROM table_a LEFT JOIN table_b ON table_b.code = table_a.code AND table_b.field_that_is_unique = ( SELECT … Read more

Access 2007 – Left Join to a query returns #Error instead of Null

While the query should return Null based on the join type, as Allen Browne states in his article, Bug: Outer join expressions retrieved wrongly, “Instead, it behaves as if [the JET query optimizer] is evaluating the expression after it has returned the results from the lower-level query.” Consequently, you must select the calculated field using … Read more

Explain JOIN vs. LEFT JOIN and WHERE condition performance suggestion in more detail

Effectively, WHERE conditions and JOIN conditions for [INNER] JOIN are 100 % equivalent in PostgreSQL. (It’s good practice to use explicit JOIN conditions to make queries easier to read and maintain, though). The same is not true for a LEFT JOIN combined with a WHERE condition on a table to the right of the join. … Read more

LEFT JOIN only first row

If you can assume that artist IDs increment over time, then the MIN(artist_id) will be the earliest. So try something like this (untested…) SELECT * FROM feeds f LEFT JOIN artists a ON a.artist_id = ( SELECT MIN(fa.artist_id) a_id FROM feeds_artists fa WHERE fa.feed_id = f.feed_id ) a