Creating numbered list of output

You’d still use enumerate(); you didn’t show how you used it but it but it solves your issue:

for index, (value,num) in enumerate(sorted_list, start=1):
    print("{}.\t{:<5}\t{:>5}".format(index, value,num))

I folded your str.ljust() and str.rjust() calls into the str.format() template; this has the added advantage that it’ll work for any value you can format, not just strings.


>>> word_list=""'\
... the      8512
... and      7759
... i        6182
... to       6027
... a        4716
... of       4619
... he       2873
... in       2846
... you      2777
... was      2457
... '''.splitlines()
>>> d = dict(line.split() for line in word_list)
>>> sorted_list = sorted(d.items(), key=lambda i: i[1], reverse=True)
>>> for index, (value,num) in enumerate(sorted_list, start=1):
...     print("{}.\t{:<5}\t{:>5}".format(index, value,num))
1.  the      8512
2.  and      7759
3.  i        6182
4.  to       6027
5.  a        4716
6.  of       4619
7.  he       2873
8.  in       2846
9.  you      2777
10. was      2457

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