Stacking order of elements affected by opacity

Positioned elements with a z-index value other than “auto” and elements with an opacity value less than 1 generate a stacking context. Refer to the rules regarding the painting order. In your first example we have the root stacking context with various descendants including: positioned green box with positive z-index positioned blue box with auto … Read more

Why is z-index ignored with position:static?

Because position: static means “Ignore all the positioning instructions from left, top, z-index, etc.”. ‘z-index’ Value: auto | <integer> | inherit Initial: auto Applies to: positioned elements — An element is said to be positioned if its ‘position’ property has a value other than ‘static’. —

css z-index issue with nested elements

Don’t specify any z-index to .bank to avoid creating new stacking context and simply adjust the z-index of the other elements. This will work because all the 3 elements belong to the same stacking context so you can specify any order you want. .bank { position:relative; background: red; width: 500px; height: 200px; } .card { … Read more

Why does stacking order change on webkit filter hover?

This is because a value other than none establishes a stacking context. This is documented in the spec (which is currently in Working Draft status): 2 Module interactions This specification defines a set of CSS properties that affect the visual rendering of elements to which those properties are applied; these effects are applied after elements … Read more

How does the z-index property really work?

Both negative and positive integers are allowed. The position must be set on the element. Before I get into those details, though, let me explain z-index from the ground up. Every webpage is made up of what are called stacking contexts. You can think of these as, quite literally, a stack of elements. The z-index … Read more

Z-index with before pseudo-element

The ::before pseudo-element is placed inside the header element. CSS Spec: The :before and :after pseudo-elements interact with other boxes as if they were real elements inserted just inside their associated element. Setting the z-index for the header element creates a new Stacking Context, so the new pseudo element you created can not float behind … Read more
