Using HTTPS with REST in Java

When you say “is there an easier way to… trust this cert”, that’s exactly what you’re doing by adding the cert to your Java trust store. And this is very, very easy to do, and there’s nothing you need to do within your client app to get that trust store recognized or utilized. On your … Read more

How do I do TLS with BouncyCastle?

This is a very basic example, with server-only authentication and self-signed cert. The code is based on BC 1.49, mostly leightweight API: ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(SERVER_PORT); final KeyPair keyPair = … final Certificate bcCert = new Certificate(new org.spongycastle.asn1.x509.Certificate[] { new X509V3CertificateStrategy().selfSignedCertificateHolder(keyPair).toASN1Structure()}); while (true) { Socket socket = serverSocket.accept(); TlsServerProtocol tlsServerProtocol = new TlsServerProtocol( socket.getInputStream(), … Read more

SecCertificateRef: How to get the certificate information?

I couldn’t wait for an answer to the bounty, so I found a solution myself. As others said, Security.framework doesn’t give you a way to get this information, so you need to ask OpenSSL to parse the certificate data for you: #import <openssl/x509.h> // … NSData *certificateData = (NSData *) SecCertificateCopyData(certificate); const unsigned char *certificateDataBytes … Read more

What is CA certificate, and why do we need it?

A CA certificate is a digital certificate issued by a certificate authority (CA), so SSL clients (such as web browsers) can use it to verify the SSL certificates sign by this CA. For example, uses Let’s Encrypt to sign its servers, and SSL certificates sent by mention they are signed by Let’s Encrypt. … Read more

Generating RSA keys in PKCS#1 format in Java

You will need BouncyCastle: import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Encodable; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Primitive; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.PrivateKeyInfo; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.SubjectPublicKeyInfo; import; import; The code snippets below have been checked and found working with Bouncy Castle 1.52. Private key Convert private key from PKCS8 to PKCS1: PrivateKey priv = pair.getPrivate(); byte[] privBytes = priv.getEncoded(); PrivateKeyInfo pkInfo = PrivateKeyInfo.getInstance(privBytes); ASN1Encodable encodable = pkInfo.parsePrivateKey(); … Read more

Is it possible to programmatically generate an X509 certificate using only C#?

Just to clarify, an X.509 certificate does not contain the private key. The word certificate is sometimes misused to represent the combination of the certificate and the private key, but they are two distinct entities. The whole point of using certificates is to send them more or less openly, without sending the private key, which … Read more

Self signed X509 Certificate with Bouncy Castle in Java

Using Bouncycastle latest version – 1.55 1.66 Update to the answer by @Bewusstsein. The bouncycastle classes are deprecated in the latest version as of this answer (5/11/2017). If you are using version 1.55 or later: public static Certificate selfSign(KeyPair keyPair, String subjectDN) throws OperatorCreationException, CertificateException, IOException { Provider bcProvider = new BouncyCastleProvider(); Security.addProvider(bcProvider); long now … Read more