What to do with “The version of SOS does not match the version of CLR you are debugging” in WinDbg?

This is what worked for me: Download the following DLLs: clr.dll mscordacwks.dll SOS.dll from this folder on the machine that generated the dump: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319 Run the following command. The path to SOS.DLL should be without quotes, unescaped path delimiters: .load path to downloaded SOS.DLL I think a new WinDbg session is required for this to … Read more

Unable to load SOS in WinDbg

The CLR runtime dll was renamed to clr.dll with .NET 4. So in order to load the correct version of SOS you need to adjust your .loadby command. I.e. .loadby sos clr Also, if you’re on 64 bit, you should install the 32 bit version of Debugging Tools for Windows as well in order to … Read more

What is an “Async Pinned Handle”?

Async pinned handles are strongly correlated with overlapped I/O in Windows. Which supports asynchronous reading and writing with ReadFile and WriteFile, using the OVERLAPPED argument. The device driver stores the passed buffer pointer and directly reads/writes from/to the buffer, entirely asynchronously from the program’s operation. The managed wrapper methods are BeginRead and BeginWrite. If the … Read more
