Copy complete virtualenv to another pc

Do the following steps on the source machine: workon [environment_name] pip freeze > requirements.txt copy requirements.txt to other PC On the other PC: create a virtual environment using mkvirtualenv [environment_name] workon [environment_name] pip install -r requirements.txt You should be done. Other Resources: How to Copy/Clone a Virtual Environment from Server to Local Machine

pip: Could not find an activated virtualenv (required)

Open your ~/.bashrc file and see if this line is there – export PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV=true It might be causing the trouble. If it’s there, change it to false and run – source ~/.bashrc If not, run export PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV=false from terminal. Note: everything works the same if you have .bash_profile instead of .bashrc in your current user’s … Read more

virtualenv: Specifing which packages to use system-wide vs local [duplicate]

The simplest way to do this is to create a virtualenv which includes the system site packages and then install the versions that you need: $ virtualenv –system-site-packages foo $ source foo/bin/activate $ pip install Django==1.4.3 You can also clean up the virtualenv afterwards by checking the output of pip freeze and removing the packages … Read more

‘virtualenv’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

steps: – go to where you want create django app on that folder. then run this command on command prompt : python -m virtualenv . (eg. C:\Users\gshiv\Desktop\django>python -m virtualenv .) where django is the my folder i want run virtualenv and .(dot) indicates virtualenv install all it’s folder in django folder otherwise you can use … Read more

how to pip uninstall with virtualenv on heroku cedar stack?

Updated 2013-09-30: the current way to clear the virtualenv seems to specify a different python runtime version in runtime.txt as stated on Github and in the Heroku’s devcenter reference. Be aware that Heroku currently “only endorses and supports the use of Python 2.7.4 and 3.3.2” so unless your application supports both Python 2.7.4 and 3.3.2, … Read more

Don’t touch my shebang

Of course you can move the development directory around. Distutils changes the paths to the python that you should run with when you run it. It’s in Grok run when you run the buildout. Move and re-run the bootstrap and the buildout. Done! Distutils changes the path to the Python you use to run distutils … Read more