Check if date is in the past Javascript

$(‘#datepicker’).datepicker().change(evt => { var selectedDate = $(‘#datepicker’).datepicker(‘getDate’); var now = new Date(); now.setHours(0,0,0,0); if (selectedDate < now) { console.log(“Selected date is in the past”); } else { console.log(“Selected date is NOT in the past”); } }); <script src=””></script> <script src=””></script> <input type=”text” id=”datepicker” name=”event_date” class=”datepicker”>

MaxLength Attribute not generating client-side validation attributes

Try using the [StringLength] attribute: [Required(ErrorMessage = “Name is required.”)] [StringLength(40, ErrorMessage = “Name cannot be longer than 40 characters.”)] public string Name { get; set; } That’s for validation purposes. If you want to set for example the maxlength attribute on the input you could write a custom data annotations metadata provider as shown … Read more

How to check if a Unix .tar.gz file is a valid file without uncompressing?

What about just getting a listing of the tarball and throw away the output, rather than decompressing the file? tar -tzf my_tar.tar.gz >/dev/null Edited as per comment. Thanks zrajm! Edit as per comment. Thanks Frozen Flame! This test in no way implies integrity of the data. Because it was designed as a tape archival utility … Read more

Joi Validations: If object matches the schema validate against it from multiple items

There are some typos in your files and validators. First of Joi.array is a function and needs to be called as one. // This is incorrect data2: Joi.array … additional: Joi.array // Should be changed to this where array is invoked as a function data2: Joi.array() … additional: Joi.array() Additionally, I’ve added a fourth validator … Read more

Validating Crontab Entries with PHP

Who said regular expressions can’t do that? Courtesy of my employer,, here’s a PHPUnit test which does such validation. Feel free to modify & distribute. I’ll appreciate if you keep the @author notice & link to web site. <?php /** * @author Jordi Salvat i Alabart – with thanks to <a href=””></a>. */ abstract … Read more

Page_ClientValidate is validating multiple times.

The problem is that the function Page_ClientValidate takes an input parameter, if you don’t specify the input then the validationsummary triggers once per groupname. In your case, the function triggers twice: once for groupname=”ContactGroup” and another time for groupname=”” you should change var isPageValid = Page_ClientValidate(); to var isPageValid = Page_ClientValidate(”); if you don’t want … Read more

Autowired gives Null value in Custom Constraint validator

I hope the solution will help someone: @Bean public Validator validator () { ValidatorFactory validatorFactory = Validation.byProvider( HibernateValidator.class ) .configure().constraintValidatorFactory(new SpringConstraintValidatorFactory(autowireCapableBeanFactory)) .buildValidatorFactory(); Validator validator = validatorFactory.getValidator(); return validator; } Initializing the validator with SpringConstraintValidatorFactory so that injection works and providing the validator implementation to be Hibernate.class works in the following manner: Your objects will be … Read more