How to create a collapsing tree table in html/css/js?

SlickGrid has this functionality, see the tree demo. If you want to build your own, here is an example (jsFiddle demo): Build your table with a data-depth attribute to indicate the depth of the item in the tree (the levelX CSS classes are just for styling indentation):  <table id=”mytable”> <tr data-depth=”0″ class=”collapse level0″> <td><span class=”toggle … Read more

How to render a tree in Twig

I played around with domi27’s idea and came up with this. I made a nested array as my tree, [‘link’][‘sublinks’] is null or another array of more of the same. Templates The sub-template file to recurse with: <!–includes/menu-links.html–> {% for link in links %} <li> <a href=”{{ link.href }}”>{{ }}</a> {% if link.sublinks %} … Read more

Definition of a Balanced Tree

The constraint is generally applied recursively to every subtree. That is, the tree is only balanced if: The left and right subtrees’ heights differ by at most one, AND The left subtree is balanced, AND The right subtree is balanced According to this, the next tree is balanced: A / \ B C / / … Read more

What is the left-child, right-sibling representation of a tree? Why would you use it?

The left-child, right-sibling representation (LCRS) is a way of encoding a multi-way tree (a tree structure in which each node can have any number of children) using a binary tree (a tree structure in which each node can have at most two children). Motivation To motivate how this representation works, let’s begin by considering a … Read more

Iterating over a Binary Tree with O(1) Auxiliary Space

Geez, I’ll have to actually type it up from Knuth. This solution is by Joseph M. Morris [Inf. Proc. Letters 9 (1979), 197-200]. As far as I can tell, it runs in O(NlogN) time. static void VisitInO1Memory (Node root, Action<Node> preorderVisitor) { Node parent = root ; Node right = null ; Node curr ; while (parent != null) { curr … Read more

Why can’t I return a concrete subtype of A if a generic subtype of A is declared as return parameter?

Method’s right hand side (pattern matching) t match { case Empty => Empty case NonEmpty(elem, left, right) => if (elem < 0) throw new Exception else NonEmpty(elem, assertNonNegatve(left), assertNonNegative(right)) } means to check at runtime whether t is an instance of class Empty$ (object Empty) and then choose the first branch or otherwise whether t … Read more
