Static analysis tool to detect ABI breaks in C++ [closed]

abi-compliance-checker – a tool for checking backward binary/source-level compatibility of a shared C/C++ library (DSO): A tool for checking backward binary and source-level compatibility of a C/C++ library. The tool checks header files and shared libraries of old and new versions and analyzes changes in API and ABI (ABI=API+compiler ABI) that may break binary and/or … Read more

C#/.NET analysis tool to find race conditions/deadlocks

You’re probably looking for one of these: CHESS Typemock Racer NOTE: This answer is from 2010. As with all recommendations answers, recommendations tend to change over time. There may be other products out there now, CHESS which was a Microsoft Research Labs project may have evolved into a final product or been scrapped altogether. Please … Read more

How to determine maximum stack usage in embedded system with gcc?

GCC docs : -fstack-usage Makes the compiler output stack usage information for the program, on a per-function basis. The filename for the dump is made by appending .su to the auxname. auxname is generated from the name of the output file, if explicitly specified and it is not an executable, otherwise it is the basename … Read more

Dead code detection in legacy C/C++ project [closed]

You could use a code coverage analysis tool for this and look for unused spots in your code. A popular tool for the gcc toolchain is gcov, together with the graphical frontend lcov ( If you use gcc, you can compile with gcov support, which is enabled by the ‘–coverage’ flag. Next, run your application … Read more

What static analysis tools are available for C#? [closed]

Code violation detection Tools: FxCop, excellent tool by Microsoft. Check compliance with .NET framework guidelines. Edit October 2010: No longer available as a standalone download. It is now included in the Windows SDK and after installation can be found in Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\ [v7.1] \Bin\FXCop\FxCopSetup.exe Edit February 2018: This functionality has now been integrated into … Read more

How can I perform static code analysis in PHP? [closed]

Run php in lint mode from the command line to validate syntax without execution: php -l FILENAME Higher-level static analyzers include: php-sat – Requires PHP_Depend PHP_CodeSniffer PHP Mess Detector PHPStan PHP-CS-Fixer phan Lower-level analyzers include: PHP_Parser token_get_all (primitive function) Runtime analyzers, which are more useful for some things due to PHP’s dynamic nature, include: … Read more