SQL Script to alter ALL Foreign Keys to add ON DELETE CASCADE

Here’s a script I used for a similiar purpose. It does not support composite foreign keys (which use more than one field.) And it would probably need some tweaking before it will work for your situation. EDIT: In particular it does not handle multi-column foreign keys correctly. select DropStmt=”ALTER TABLE [” + ForeignKeys.ForeignTableSchema + ‘].[‘ … Read more

How to store directory / hierarchy / tree structure in the database?

There are many ways to store hierarchies in SQL databases. Which one to choose depends on which DBMS product you use, and how the data will be used. As you have used the MSSQL2005 tag, I think you should start considering the “Adjacency List” model; if you find that it doesn’t perform well for your … Read more

Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation in Aqua Data Studio

You would mostly be using COUNT to summarize over a UID. Therefore COUNT([uid]) will produce the warning: Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation. whilst being used with a left join, where the counted object does not exist. Using COUNT(*) in this case would also render incorrect results, as you … Read more

SQL Server 2005 – using generated sequences instead of Identity columns?

Yes, SQL 11 has SEQUENCE objects, see SQL Server v.Next (Denali) : Using SEQUENCE. Creating manual sequences is possible, but not recommended. The trick to do a sequence generator is to use UPDATE WITH OUTPUT on a sequences table. Here is pseudo-code: CREATE TABLE Sequences ( Name sysname not null primary key, Sequence bigint not … Read more

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