How to update matplotlib’s imshow() window interactively?

You don’t need to call imshow all the time. It is much faster to use the object’s set_data method: myobj = imshow(first_image) for pixel in pixels: addpixel(pixel) myobj.set_data(segmentedimg) draw() The draw() should make sure that the backend updates the image. UPDATE: your question was significantly modified. In such cases it is better to ask another … Read more

Python Pandas – Missing required dependencies [‘numpy’] 1

I had this same issue immediately after upgrading pandas to 0.19.2. I fixed it with the following install/uninstall sequence from the windows cmd line: pip uninstall pandas -y pip uninstall numpy -y pip install pandas pip install numpy This also broke my matplotlib install so I uninstalled/installed that as well. Very odd behavior for a … Read more

How to use argv with Spyder

To pass argv to a script in Spyder, you need to go the menu entry Run > Configuration per file or press the Ctrl+F6 key, then look for the option called Command line options on the dialog that appears after that, and finally enter the command line arguments you want to pass to the script, … Read more