Precise thread sleep needed. Max 1ms error

I was looking for lightweight cross-platform sleep function that is suitable for real time applications (i.e. high resolution/high precision with reliability). Here are my findings: Scheduling Fundamentals Giving up CPU and then getting it back is expensive. According to this article, scheduler latency could be anywhere between 10-30ms on Linux. So if you need to … Read more

Sleep function in Windows, using C

Use: #include <windows.h> Sleep(sometime_in_millisecs); // Note uppercase S And here’s a small example that compiles with MinGW and does what it says on the tin: #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf( “starting to sleep…\n” ); Sleep(3000); // Sleep three seconds printf(“sleep ended\n”); }

Python & Selenium: Difference between driver.implicitly_wait() and time.sleep()

time.sleep(secs) time.sleep(secs) suspends the execution of the current thread for the given number of seconds. The argument may be a floating point number to indicate a more precise sleep time. The actual suspension time may be less than that requested because any caught signal will terminate the sleep() following execution of that signal’s catching routine. … Read more

Is there an alternative sleep function in C to milliseconds?

Yes – older POSIX standards defined usleep(), so this is available on Linux: int usleep(useconds_t usec); DESCRIPTION The usleep() function suspends execution of the calling thread for (at least) usec microseconds. The sleep may be lengthened slightly by any system activity or by the time spent processing the call or by the granularity of system … Read more

When does Java’s Thread.sleep throw InterruptedException?

You should generally NOT ignore the exception. Take a look at the following paper: Don’t swallow interrupts Sometimes throwing InterruptedException is not an option, such as when a task defined by Runnable calls an interruptible method. In this case, you can’t rethrow InterruptedException, but you also do not want to do nothing. When a blocking … Read more

Calling sleep(5); and updating text field not working

This will probably provide the result that you seek: -(void)textLabelChanger:(id)sender { NSString *myTextLabelString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@”%d”, gameCountDown]; textLabel.text=myTextLabelString; [self performSelector:@selector(updateTextLabelWithString:) withObject:@”sleep 5 worked” afterDelay:5.0]; [self performSelector:@selector(updateTextLabelWithString:) withObject:@”sleep 5 worked second time round” afterDelay:10.0]; } -(void)updateTextLabelWithString:(NSString*)theString { textLabel.text=theString; } There are plenty of ways to do this. Instead of having a single updateTextLabelWithString that you call … Read more

Timer & TimerTask versus Thread + sleep in Java

The advantage of TimerTask is that it expresses your intention much better (i.e. code readability), and it already has the cancel() feature implemented. Note that it can be written in a shorter form as well as your own example: Timer uploadCheckerTimer = new Timer(true); uploadCheckerTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate( new TimerTask() { public void run() { NewUploadServer.getInstance().checkAndUploadFiles(); } }, … Read more