How do I convert HTML to RTF (Rich Text) in .NET without paying for a component? [closed]

Actually there is a simple and free solution: use your browser, ok this is the trick I used: var webBrowser = new WebBrowser(); webBrowser.CreateControl(); // only if needed webBrowser.DocumentText = *yourhtmlstring*; while (_webBrowser.DocumentText != *yourhtmlstring*) Application.DoEvents(); webBrowser.Document.ExecCommand(“SelectAll”, false, null); webBrowser.Document.ExecCommand(“Copy”, false, null); *yourRichTextControl*.Paste(); This could be slower than other methods but at least it’s free … Read more

Sending formatted Lotus Notes rich text email from Excel VBA

The short answer is Yes. The long answer is painful. There aren’t any great classes exposed to manipulate rich text items in Notes. However a few that you can research are the NotesRichTextStyle, NotesRichTextParagraphStyle, and NotesRichTextTable to name a few. These classes help you define some rich text elements and add them programmatically to your … Read more