Is Int32.ToString() culture-specific?

The Operating System allows to change the negative sign for numbers. Control panel -> Language and regional settings -> Additional settings -> Negative sign So, current culture could have overridden the negative sign. In this case you need to respect the regional settings, this is the reason of the warning. You can also change the … Read more

ReSharper conventions for names of event handlers

For C# (or VB), make the following change: ReSharper | Options | Languages | C# | C# Naming Style, Advanced settings… Change ‘Event subscriptions on fields’ from $object$_On$event$ to $object$_$event$. You may also want to add additional rules to entity kinds like ‘Types and namespaces’ to account for code-generated classes such as ‘Default’. For example, … Read more

ReSharper and var [duplicate]

Resharper is primarily concerned with helping you refactor code, and the var keyword generally makes refactoring easier. For example, if the return values of any of those functions ever change to a compatibile type, you don’t have to change any of this code. It’s therefore now a little easier to refactor your tabCaseNotes type, for … Read more