IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level, although the indentation looks correct

One possible cause for this error is that there might be spaces mixed with tabs for indentation. Try doing a search & replace to replace all tabs with a few spaces. Try this: import sys def Factorial(n): # return factorial result = 1 for i in range (1,n): result = result * i print “factorial … Read more

How to preserve whitespace indentation of text enclosed in HTML tags excluding the current indentation level of the tag in the document?

Indenting With Comments Since browsers ignore comments, you can use them to indent your pre tag contents. Solution <html> <body> <main> Here is my code with hack: <pre> <!– –>def some_function <!– –> return ‘Hello, World!’ <!– –>end </pre> Here is my code without hack: <pre> def some_function return ‘Hello, World!’ end </pre> </main> <body> … Read more

Why does vim not obey my expandtab in python files?

The problem is that your settings are being overridden by a filetype plugin that’s part of Vim. The issue is in ftplugin/python.vim: ” As suggested by PEP8. setlocal expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 tabstop=8 The python plugin attempts to setup your source code to be PEP8 compliant by default, so it’s adjusting the tabstop. You’ll want some … Read more