Failproof Wait for IE to load

Try this one, it helped me to solve similar problem with IE once: Set oIE = CreateObject(“InternetExplorer.application”) oIE.Visible = True oIE.navigate (“”) Do While oIE.ReadyState = 4: WScript.Sleep 100: Loop Do While oIE.ReadyState <> 4: WScript.Sleep 100: Loop ‘ example ref to DOM MsgBox oIE.Document.GetElementsByTagName(“div”).Length UPD: Drilling down IE events I found that IE_DocumentComplete is … Read more

What do the different readystates in XMLHttpRequest mean, and how can I use them?

The full list of readyState values is: State Description 0 The request is not initialized 1 The request has been set up 2 The request has been sent 3 The request is in process 4 The request is complete (from In practice you almost never use any of them except for 4. Some XMLHttpRequest … Read more
