How do I disable pylint unused import error messages in vs code

As others have said, you can provide a disable argument to disable a specific message. I wanted to elaborate on that. Here is the syntax for disabling multiple messages and for providing multiple arguments, which was not immediately obvious to me from googling it: “python.linting.pylintArgs”: [ “–max-line-length=80”, “–disable=W0142,W0403,W0613,W0232,R0903,R0913,C0103,R0914,C0304,F0401,W0402,E1101,W0614,C0111,C0301” ] You stated that you started seeing … Read more

How to run Pylint with PyCharm

You can set up Pylint to work with PyCharm by following the following steps: Install pylint: $ pip install pylint Locate your pylint installation folder: $ which pylint # MacOS/Linux /usr/local/bin/pylint # This is just a possible output – check yours <!–> $ where pylint # Windows %LocalAppData%\Programs\Python\Python36-32\Scripts\pylint.exe # Possible location Open the PyCharm settings … Read more

No name ‘QApplication’ in module ‘PyQt5.QtWidgets’ error in Pylint

I’ve figured out the issue, apparently Pylint doesn’t load any C extensions by default, because those can run arbitrary code. So I found that if you create a system file in your project directory with the file named .pylintrc the rc file can whitelist this package to stop throwing errors by adding the following code … Read more

How do I create a pylintrc file

You may put it in: /etc/pylintrc for default global configuration ~/.pylintrc for default user configuration <your project>/pylintrc for default project configuration (used when you’ll run pylint <your project>) wherever you want, then use pylint –rcfile=<wherever I want> Also notice when generating the rc file, you may add option on the command line before the –generate-rcfile, … Read more

Unintentional trailing comma that creates a tuple

pylintalready detects this as a problem (as of version 1.7). For example, here’s my “””Module docstring to satisfy pylint””” def main(): “””The main function””” thing = 1, print(type(thing)) if __name__ == “__main__”: main() $ pylint No config file found, using default configuration ************* Module tuple R: 5, 0: Disallow trailing comma tuple (trailing-comma-tuple) … Read more