Why does Rust not implement total ordering via the Ord trait for f64 and f32?

What is your question, precisely? Are you asking whether NaN exists, or whether it can be obtained as the result of accidental or voluntary computations? Yes, it does and it can. The sort of data structure that requires a total order for keys breaks down completely when the provided order is not a total order. … Read more

What is the partial ordering procedure in template deduction

While Xeo gave a pretty good description in the comments, I will try to give a step-by-step explanation with a working example. First of all, the first sentence from the paragraph you quoted says: For each of the templates involved there is the original function type and the transformed function type. […] Hold on, what … Read more

Why can’t I use the method __cmp__ in Python 3 as for Python 2?

You need to provide the rich comparison methods for ordering in Python 3, which are __lt__, __gt__, __le__, __ge__, __eq__, and __ne__. See also: PEP 207 — Rich Comparisons. __cmp__ is no longer used. More specifically, __lt__ takes self and other as arguments, and needs to return whether self is less than other. For example: … Read more