== and .equals() not working in java [duplicate]

Replace: if (packageName != sysName) With: if (!packageName.equals(sysName.toString())) Also, you have a ; at the end of if which shouldn’t be there. (Here: if (packageName.equals(sysName.toString())) 😉 Actually, to form your condition better, you should have an if-else block instead of 2 ifs. something like: if (packageName.equals(sysName.toString())){ Log.d(“”, “IT MATCHES”); } else { Log.d(“”, “NOPE DOESNT … Read more

Why use peer dependencies in npm for plugins?

TL;DR: peerDependencies are for dependencies that are exposed to (and expected to be used by) the consuming code, as opposed to “private” dependencies that are not exposed, and are only an implementation detail. The problem peer dependencies solve NPM’s module system is hierarchical. One big advantage for simpler scenarios is that when you install an … Read more

Why is the apt-get function not working in the terminal on Mac OS X v10.9 (Mavericks)?

Mac OS X doesn’t have apt-get. There is a package manager called Homebrew that is used instead. This command would be: brew install python Use Homebrew to install packages that you would otherwise use apt-get for. The page I linked to has an up-to-date way of installing homebrew, but at present, you can install Homebrew … Read more

What’s the difference between dist-packages and site-packages?

dist-packages is a Debian-specific convention that is also present in its derivatives, like Ubuntu. Modules are installed to dist-packages when they come from the Debian package manager into this location: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages Since easy_install and pip are installed from the package manager, they also use dist-packages, but they put packages here: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages From the Debian Python … Read more

Why are packages installed rather than just linked to a specific environment?

Conda already does this. However, because it leverages hardlinks, it is easy to overestimate the space really being used, especially if one only looks at the size of a single env at a time. To illustrate the case, let’s use du to inspect the real disk usage. First, if I count each environment directory individually, … Read more
